Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Skinny jeans, here we come!

So tomorrow is the big day, Tanner and I are beginning the Eat to Live diet again. It's gonna be tough people, we know, but it's so worth it when it's done. I've already marked it in my planner and our last day is the day before Thanksgiving...mmm....Turkey....gravy....pie....mashed potatoes....pie....but I want none of it! I only want vegan-delicious salads, fruits and veggies, yum! I will miss you cheese, chocolate, and Wendy's nugs (that's for you Ashley)..but someday we will meet again, a thinner, healthier Nina. Tanner is all psyched, I'm so glad we're doing it together, otherwise, no way would it happen. His dad has already lost 20-something pounds in a month and a half...not too shabby!

So tonight we are having our last Little Caesar's $5 deliciousness ( I realize there are many reading this and gasping "delicious?? it's disgusting!" but when you are poor, deliciousness has a broad spectrum of meanings because hey, we can't afford to be picky). It will be my last goodbye to cheese, I may even have to buy something with chocolate in it. Tomorrow veggies will be my best friends, but they probably wouldn't be so smiley in this picture if they knew I was going to eat all of them. Yay vegans!


Ash said...

Ha ha! nugs! Anyhoo... you're lucky that your husband is willing to do something like that. I made all vegetarian dinners for a week just to see if I could do it. I made the mistake of pointing it out to Ry, and he was so not happy. But had he even noticed until then? NO. Whatever. Now he knows my ploy and looks for the meat. But I'm going to try again sometime, probably when I have time to plan meals instead of planning study time. :)

Lindsey said...

Hey! That's awesome that you are doing that diet. It's so good for you-not that you need me to tell you that. I'm going to try to go on it after I'm pregnant, sometime. Just wanted to say hi! Love you guys!