Monday, June 25, 2012

More April....

April was a busy month for us. Eric officially started walking, Tanner was getting ready to wrap up his first year of med school, and Eric and I made a quick trip to Utah to be with my mom after she had surgery and be there for her birthday.

Eric is growing and learning so much every day. And lately, he's been learning to love to scrub things with a sponge. He has a few of his own clean sponges that are for him to play with. I just worry he may be learning to be OCD as well....but for now, I'm willing to just hope it turns into a healthy love of cleaning that will stick around for a while.

Eric reading at the downtown library in Milwaukee-I need to take more pictures next time we go, they have so much fun stuff.

Eric loved this little bird at the zoo, it came right up and started chirping at him.

While in Utah we also stopped by my dad's and my in laws. At my dad's Eric found a new fascination with their cat Izzy's tail, his favorite activity was stepping on it. Thank goodness he's been declawed.
At the zoo with Mama and Dada.

Playing Nana's piano, I think he definitely has some raw talent.
No hands!

Here are a couple videos from Utah. the first is Eric chasing around Molly at my dad's house, the other is him kicking Pa in the swing in the backyard.