Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Fun

We went to the Wisconsin State Fair this week and had a good 'ole time. The State Fair here is a much bigger production than it is in Utah, people let you pay to park on their lawns because there are so many people trying to get in. I thought it would be funny to put Eric in one of these silly picture boards. He apparently didn't find it quite as hilarious and made his most irritated face; which backfired, because it made the picture even funnier, ha!
They had a barn for little kids to look at the animals-Eric was interested for about 2 seconds, which we weren't surprised about.
These are cream puffs, which are a famous treat at the fair and was very good I must say.
Another embarrassing photo-op courtesy of mom.
Some of the weird fair food-chocolate covered bacon, which was gross (according to Tanner, I didn't try it) and deep fried butter, which I didn't try either, but it was basically just buttery deep fried batter because the butter just melts inside.
Deep fried peanut butter and jelly, this was pretty good actually, for about 2 bites.
Eric eating some cream from the cream puff. He loved it and was mad we only let him try a few licks.
I was just holding my finger out waiting for Tanner to take the picture and Eric's hands starting shaking he was getting so excited for me to put it in his mouth!
Krispy Kreme cheeseburger. I thought it sounded disgusting, but I tried a bite and it wasn't bad, just sweet and salty really. But I didn't go back for a second bite, it wasn't that good.
One of the toys kept out on the lawn. Eric loved it and just looks like such a big boy sitting up in it!
Gotta love that chubby little face.

Happy to be outside.
Tanner in his 'white coat.' Doctors get the long ones, students' are shorter.
Here are some videos of Eric. The first is him shakin' what his momma gave him. In this case it was a set of toy keys that I gave him. The next is of him eating peaches. I don't know what's funnier, the look on his face when he's eating it, or that he opens his mouth for more each time.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I was catching up on blogs and while looking at yours, Aidan got fussy. I pulled him onto my lap and we watched some of the videos of Eric. Aidan freaked out - in a happy way! He was kicking and laughing and talking. So cute!

Brooke and Brighton said...

I loved the video of him eating the peaches. It made me laugh. And look at all of the good food from the fair!! They definitely think of everything.

Katie said...

Oh goodness! His cute little face and reaction to the peaches is priceless! Hope you guys are doing well...