Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, I work at LDS Hospital and therefore am forced to work every other Sunday, it's required of everyone, LDS or not. One of the wonderful things that has helped me be more ok with having to work on Sunday is the fact that I am allowed to take the sacrament. It really has been a wonderful comfort to me and makes me feel so good. There is an LDS branch up there and they go to the patients' rooms that are unable to go down to the service they have, and after they are done passing to the patients, they go into the report room and give it to the staff. A few weeks ago, an email was sent out at work saying that we are no longer allowed to take the sacrament at work. The staff can't take it with patients or anywhere on the floor or even go to the service, nada. Wha??? Their rationale is that they cannot have staff off the floor and also that it is not fair to other religions that the sacrament is offered to us:

1. I understand it takes too much time to have staff going off the floor to the service on another floor, but taking the sacrament on the floor takes 5 minutes, tops. This is not enough time for us to be leaving the whole medical floor to go to ruin and also, half of the staff aren't even LDS, so they're still on the floor. And it can count as our morning break, which we should be allowed to use it to take the sacrament if we want.

2. The excuse that it is unfair to other religions for us to take the sacrament makes absolutely no sense. If other religions wanted to have their sacrament brought up, all they would have to do is call the chaplain. Us taking the sacrament doesn't hinder them from being able to practice their religion.

3. According to my understanding of the constitution, I am allowed freedom to practice my religion. Taking the sacrament is very important to me and a fundamental part of my religion. Muslim employees at Wal Mart are allowed extra breaks to pray because of their religion, if they weren't allowed to, it would be discrimination. I feel the situation is the same here. The workplace should not be allowed to dictate whether or not I am allowed to participate in a religious service that is offered. This does not force my religion onto my patients or onto other employees. In fact, all of the non-LDS employees I work with have agreed that they could care less if LDS employees take the sacrament and that it isn't right for it to not be allowed.

The email stated that this is not just at LDS hospitals and that all IHC hospitals are going to have the same thing. I feel very strongly that this is so wrong and a violation of our rights. It is sad to me that there is a small number of people that complained about something that they don't want another person to be able to do, it makes no sense. I came to work today and the LDS elders came up but did not offer us the sacrament because they received a letter from the hospital telling them they were not allowed to. I love working for IHC and at LDS, it has been a great place to work for, but I am not going to just accept this, I believe if enough of us stand up for what we believe in, they will have to recognize that it is wrong. Sorry this is so long, but I feel very strongly about this, and am starting a petition, so even if you don't work there but you agree, please sign at and add your signature! Also, it does ask for your email, but you just click you don't want to be emailed about other petitions and they won't send you anything. Thanks!


Amy Beagley said...

I signed!

Anonymous said...

Even though i'm not LDS, you are right about this being discrimination and I don't think it is right to take this away at all! When I worked there, if i wanted to take communion I could have and that is a personal right everyone should have. I don't like people who complain about things like this just because they don't agree with a religion. It is a PERSONAL right for everyone. I signed Nina!

Steph said...

That's rediculous! And lame excuses too, I signed and forwarded it to my fam, thanks for starting the petition!