Thursday, December 4, 2008

The best ab workout

Today I had clinical up at Davis Hospital, it is not fun waking up at 5 am to get there by 6:30. But thankfully, I have made some amazing friends up at school, particularly, Christie, Rachel, and Ashley. I've made a lot of great new friends up there, I don't mean to leave anyone out, it's just me and these gals in particular just clicked. We all have a lot in common and have so much fun together! I have been having severe lack of motivation syndrome with these last couple weeks of school (2 weeks left today!!), but having them there makes it so much easier to go. I know I probably sound like I'm in high school saying I like school because of my friends, but they just make it that much better and today we all laughed so hard on the way home from school. The kind of laughing that makes you cry, have to pee a little bit, and your abs hurt at the end, but you feel so good after. I am so grateful for them and having someone to relate to and listen to all the events of my life, and I love hearing all of their stories. I would go absolutely crazy without them because my life pretty much is school and sometimes work, and since I practically never see my amazing, hot, sweet hubs, every day would be torture. I am so thankful Heavenly Father answered my prayers and helped me get into nursing school, and blessed me with more wonderful friends, you guys really are a blessing in my life. Ok, now I'm getting a little too sappy, even for me, so I'll stop, but thanks for the laughing with/at/around me, it makes the day so much better, I loves you guys!


Beej & Chris said...

You peed your ME TOO j/k lol. Oh, Nina I definitely could not do this without you! You are such an amazing person and hilarious. I am so glad we have become such good friends. you rock :D

Ash said...

Don't worry nina, you're EASY to laugh at...uh, I mean with! haha! but really, it has been a saving grace to have all of you. You rock the casbah!