Monday, October 5, 2009

The ultimate symbol of liberty and freedom....

Yes, that is what the commercial said. If you enjoy liberty and freedom and love your country, you know what you must do: buy an Obama Chia. I could not stop laughing when I saw this commercial. I thought it was a joke, like a SNL skit or something, but nope, these little guys are actually out there. I couldn't help but think, maybe I'm being silly, but is that really appropriate?
What made me laugh even more, was when I realized there are people out there buying them and these are what their purchases got them. This person must have not realized she bought the 'Long-haired with Male Pattern Baldness Obama.'

I don't know if this one looks like he's had his head out the car window or has just been electrocuted.

Need I say more? Be sure to get on the phone and order yours today!

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