Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do I Have a Widow's Peak??!!?

I was just looking at that picture above, and my hairline is all coming to a point. Is it possible I have gone (almost) 22 years without noticing I have a widow's peak? Blonde hair makes it tricky to tell I guess. I keep going back to the mirror and pulling my hair straight back. I think it might be true. Well, I'm baffled Jeffy.

Can you tell I really, really, really don't want to study anymore? So much that I discovered my widow's peak. One of the few dominant traits I have to pass on to our offspring (our kids will look nothing like me), along with my detached earlobes, which other people have, despite Tanner's theory that I'm the only one and they're weird.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dreamy Quotes

Nope, they're not that kind of dreamy. They are things that Tanner has literally said in his sleep. He even likes to make me laugh in the middle of the night apparently.

-I'm lying behind him and my foot touches his leg. His hand shoots out and grabs my foot and he yells "What's that??" I told him "my foot." "Oh. I thought it was a mouse."

-"That's just the axiom of mathematics."

-"Go to town on me with those equations."

-"I'm probably not awake, but I don't know what's happening!"

-I came back in from the bathroom one night and Tanner sat up and harshly asked "Who are you!?" I said "it's me" and started to get back in bed. He proceeded to rub my pillow (apparently thinking it was me) and told me "You can't come in, Nina's sleeping, you'll wake her up." Awww.

-Tanner's job is a phlebotomist drawing blood. One night I opened my eyes and Tanner is sitting up looking at me, but his eyes aren't totally open. He grabs my arm and says, "Hi, I'm Tanner, I'm gonna draw your blood." I said, "no you aren't, go back to sleep." And he did.

-The weirdest was this rhyme when I woke him up one morning, "Not this, not that, not the other fat." The end.

There are too many to write them all, but it's pretty darn hilarious just sleeping next to Tanner Michael Fullmer, take it from me.


So I've been a blogging slacker for the most part, which is a good excuse for me to be blogging instead of doing the dishes, here is what we've been up to:

I had a clinical at Cook Elementary in Syracuse. I always thought of cute kids as 3 year olds, but 4th graders are so much fun! We just had to help them out and play with them at recess. It's funny being a mini-celebrity. I forgot how much fun recess was, it's funny how short it really is, 15 minutes is nothing, but it seemed so long back then! The funniest part was after playing basketball when Karina came up and told me "Logan totally has a crush on you." Then Logan proceeded to yell, "no I don't! She is such a total liar!" Then smiled at me and ran away. Oh man, kids are fun. And I loved tutoring them with their math. It made me want to be an elementary school teacher so bad. But it takes more patience than I probably possess. All you teachers out there, you are amazing! I just realized how many times I used the word fun in various ways. haha Another reason I can't be a teacher. I actually just wrote 'haha.' The list is growing.

Tanner has been studying like a fiend, me, let's just say I'm just doing what I have to to get to the end of the semester and my one week break before the summer semester starts. We watched Australia last weekend and loved loved loved it! If you haven't seen it, definitely worth the buck at redbox. We can't stop calling eachother "cheeky bull" ever since we watched it. I wish we had some fun/cool pictures to post, but we really haven't taken any lately, it's lame.

General Conference was last weekend and yet again, I had to work. I've worked conference weekend every time for the past two years. It's a little frustrating, but I had a neat experience at work, I was in a patient's room to check their vitals/blood pressure at the end and Elder Eyring (sp?) was speaking. I felt the spirit so strongly just hearing the few words I did and felt such a tremendous love for him; along with a powerful witness that he truly does testify of Christ and that the Lord loves us so much.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy List

Since life is so stressful at the moment, I've decided to change my train of thought to things that make me happy (Jamie, you gave me this idea), even the littlest things:

Spring rain, when it's still warm outside
Smelling flowers
Making my niece smile
Hubs (he's at the top of course)
The email I got from Alyson today
Sno Cones
Lime Popsicles
The smell of babies
Going for walks
Old books-the smell, the feel of the old paper
Piano music

I love that there are so many things around us to make me happy when I'm feeling down!