Monday, January 24, 2011

Quick Update

I have been horrible about blogging lately, I've found that end of pregnancy and motivation don't really go together. I will post some pictures later, I just wanted to update how things are going. Our nursery is all put together and we have our 'go bag' all ready. I went to my 37 week appointment last week, she said he is head down, I was pretty sure he was because he's been having so much fun kicking me in the ribs! She checked me and I am 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced, woohoo! When I told Tanner he asked me if the doctor thought I was going into labor that day, it was so funny. She told me it could still be a while, but that it was a good sign I will go into labor on my own, which I'm happy about. We're feeling nervous that it's really here, he can come any day! But I'm to the point that I am ready to have him out of there, there is so much pressure and it's getting hard to walk. I really feel for women that go over their due dates and I'm hoping that isn't the case. After being so scared of labor, it's funny how now I don't care how he comes out, I'm just ready for him to come out! We just can't wait to hold our sweet little boy!!


the laytons. said...

He's almost here!! Good luck with everything when he comes :) Can i make a request to see a picture of the nursery!?!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to hear your story and hear pictures of the little guy - good luck!