Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eeek! The sheer size of my own abdomen has overwhelmed me, I didn't imagine it could get so big. If it wouldn't gross you all out, I would post a picture of my belly button, 'cause I gotta tell ya, it's pretty freaky. When I take a deep breath it pokes out half an inch, funny yet gross. I'm waddling my way around the hospital now to take care of my patients and probably making them all nervous when I tell them I'm due in 12 days. I have so many feelings, most of all excitement and impatience to meet him. And impatience with people, which I feel a little bad about. I think it's hormones, not being able to sleep, and constantly being uncomfortable. At my appointment this week the doctor said he is definitely head-down still and really low. I'm dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced, yay! But I get a little excited and then I've had a few people roll their eyes at me and tell me I'll go over a week, it doesn't mean anything. They could be completely right, but seriously people, you don't say this to a woman that is 9 months pregnant! I'm planning on my two weeks left, but I am optimistic and will be happy if he comes sooner. He has been taunting me with contractions that won't get stronger or if they do, they aren't consistent, but he's gotta come out sometime. Oh yes Eric, you can't stay in there forever, so pretty please, come out!!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Good Luck Nina!!! You look adorable for 9 months pregnant! Can't wait to see pictures of your little one.