Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eric at 8 months

 Eric is getting to be such a big boy! He is changing every day and is so much fun. He is so crazy when he sleeps now, we find him in a different corner of the crib every time he lays down. He falls asleep like this, with his left arm under him. The other day I think it fell asleep because he woke up crying and couldn't get himself off his tummy. I picked him up and his little arm was all limp. It was sad, but funny.

Here he is with his jammies and toy from Grandma Embreus. It scared him at first, but now you can see he loves it!
 "I wonder if that fuzzy spider on his head tastes good.."
 Eating his carrots. And this is a pretty clean day actually.

 I just love this picture. It was after our morning walk. He looks so pensive and happy. I also especially love the long hair behind his ears that is blowing in the wind. Tanner won't let me cut it, he thinks it's cute.
 Practicing crawling. We have to put him in this position and he lasts maybe a minute and goes on the tummy, then promptly rolls to his back. I don't think he has the arm strength to support that heavy head yet! He'll figure it out eventually, I'm not worried about it, it's actually nice right now that he can't move all over and get into things. But I can tell he's getting frustrated about not being more mobile, so I kind of want him to start at the same time.

 Wearing Grandma Fullmer's sunglasses. He knows he looks good!
Listening to Daddy. I love when he gets this serious face.

At Costco with Jack and Kenzie. I got this picture of him with Kenzie, they kept their arms on eachother like this for a few minutes, it was so funny.
Eric is getting more picky with his eating. He used to simply open wide and eat anything we offered him, but now if he doesn't like it after one or two bites, he just closes his mouth and it is ridiculous to try and get him to open it again. If Tanner and I are eating it though, he will eat whatever it is. He is babbling all the time and says 'dadada' but doesn't get what it means yet. Every time I try to get him to say 'mama' Tanner runs in and starts saying 'dada.'
He is starting to get a little more clingy to Tanner and I. He is rolling a lot and will probably be crawling by next month. He still is toothless and is so cute gumming all of his food. He loves singing, when mommy or daddy dance, balls, books, the vacuum, mirrors, fake laughing, blankie, swinging, smiling, yelling, clapping, elmo, watching football with Tanner, and bathtime. He doesn't like other kids crying, getting dressed, or getting strapped into the carseat.
We love our little stinknut!!


Kara Reynolds said...

I love the Halloween costume! Ryan asked me the other day if you had posted any funny snippets of Tanner talking in his sleep recently, and I had to get on and check. We need more sleep funnies!!! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

He sleeps just like my little guy! It's always fun to go in and see what position he's in each night. So cute!