So, for all you sleepy Tanner fans, here's another dream quote:
T: "Hey, it's [some weird word I can't remember 'cause it was the middle of the night] day."
N: "What??"
T: "It's in honor of all the oil production."
N: "And how do you celebrate that?" (I'm trying not to laugh)
T: "With lots of corporate vistas."
N: "What does that mean????"
T: "Don't know, but we'll figure it out."
I asked him to explain in the morning, but he still didn't know what a corporate vista was. But he was proud of himself for dreaming about oil. I'm not sure why, but that made him feel like he must have been dreaming about something intelligent.
In other news, only one month left of the semester, and I couldn't be more thrilled! And Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I LOVE Thanksgiving!
In a week and a half, I will hit the third trimester. Thrilling, yet terrifying.
Tanner is just the best husband ever. He is so cute, talking to my belly and always trying to feel him kick. He's going to be the most adorable dad. He tries to joke and say that he's going to give him spankings everyday. haha I just can't wait to see him hold him for the first time, it's going to be the cutest.
I know when I'm close to delivering I'll be ready to just have him out, but did any of you other ladies feel totally freaked about labor and delivery?? I wonder if I think about it too much. I know I can do it because women have been doing it since the dawn of time, but I can't help it, and I can't not think about it. Sometimes I get nervous that I'm nervous, thinking it's a bad sign of how I'll do. How can you prepare for something you have no idea what it will feel like and is supposed to be really painful? When I say I'm freaking out, I mean that I've been nervous about it for the past couple weeks and will probably be fine soon, but I don't freak out too often, so it stresses me out.
Lastly, to explain the title of this post. Tanner loves to tease me about this one time over a year ago, when he asked me to make him two peanut butter sandwiches to eat on the way to school. So I'm driving him to school and he's eating them and exclaims "Did you put JUST peanut butter??" "Well, yeah, that's what you said." He told his family and my family, he thought it was so funny. Seriously though, I always grew up calling it peanut butter and jelly, or PB&J. Who says just peanut butter sandwich? Anywho, on a totally random note he loves to recollect about a friend from junior high that loved to abbreviate everything (bball, McD's, even called football f-ball) and sometimes will do it to be funny. So a couple weeks ago he is abbreviating things that don't need to be abbreviated and asks "Do you remember the time you made a just peanut butter sandwich?" and starts laughing. Since then he has decided to call me "Pea buh," short for "Peanut butter." Clever, eh? Just a small insight into the weirdness of our marriage. I don't know whether to get frustrated at him for making fun of me or laugh at how silly it is. I usually choose laughing. I'm so glad I married him, he is definitely my favorite.
Nina, I totally felt the nervousness of delivery pretty much my whole pregnancy, but now that I'm so close, I don't even care what it takes to get her out, I'm just ready for her to be out. So all that nervousness has seriously disappeared. Congrats on getting to your 3rd trimester, be prepared to get fat!
Don't even worry about labor and delivery. Just educate yourself about the process and you will be fine. Really, once that ball gets rolling you just go with it and before you know you have a new little baby. It's totally normal to be nervous, I was a basket case.
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