Friday, May 15, 2009

ER Clinical

I had my first ER clinical yesterday. It was awesome!! I got to start some IVs, draw some blood, see lots of other things, and scariest of all: I had to do CPR. Wow, I never realized how freakin' hard it is to do it. I only did it for about 3 minutes, but when you're pumping on someone's chest hard enough that to get a heart beating-think about how deep your heart is in your chest, you literally break a few ribs to get deep enough- you get worn out fast. And you have to do it 100 times per minutes. I'm not trying to sound like I'm the shiz or anything like that, it was just a really cool experience. Maybe I want to be an ER nurse, we'll see!


Carrie and Bri said...

You go girl!! That sounds so exciting!

Nickessa said...

You the shiz Nina! And don't you forget it!

Emily said...

That's awesome! I never got to do a clinical in the ER while in school, but I would have loved to!