Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Holiday Weight Gain
I have no will power against their chocolatey goodness and because of that, my arteries and my tighter fitting clothes are suffering the dire consequences. Oh school, I dread and welcome you at the same time, at least I won't be able to get bored around the house and eat. Thankfully this semester my clinicals are at night, so I have time to work out Thursday and Friday mornings, and please pray for me to have the drive to go. Christie, I'm counting on you to help me get my booty (which is possible growing this very moment) to the gym. Next year I'm going to ask Santa to put Slim Fast in my stocking.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Our Christmas
Our freakin' sweet pajamies!
Gosh he's cute!
Christmas was great this year, we got spoiled! Thanks to our parents, we love them and owe them so much. I know there are a lot of pictures of Tanner opening presents, but he's just so cute, he's like a little kid he gets so excited! We can't wait for some real little kids to watch open presents! :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Joys!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Too fun not to post
I love Ashley's face in this one :)
We looked like really, really white Muslims!
So stinkin' cute!!
Home Crap Home....
Because this is what they would have found:
I know some of you are saying, that doesn't look so bad, but we have been living like this for months. There are a couple days it might be clean in between, but pretty soon it's right back to this. If we had children, they would be taken away. If the kitchen picture was a scratch'n'sniff, it would smell like barf and rotting vegetables, it is disgusting. We couldn't even walk into our room without stepping all over our clothes. But now thanks to the semester being over, our house is now livable for a sweet two weeks. *Sigh.*
Ashley, Lindy, and Selina
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The best ab workout
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas is coming!
Tanner Michael Fullmer: Mouse Surgeon
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
~My Savior Jesus Christ, his Atonement, and love for me individually. I am so thankful to have found this church and feel the happiness and true joy it has brought into my life, I can't begin to count all the blessings the Lord has given me.
~My wonderful hubs Tanner. He is so great. I know I say it a lot, but that's because he is! I love him so much and could never imagine my life without him.
~Family. It really is what life is all about, and I am so thankful for that knowledge, and that we really will be together forever.
~Tithing. Being in nursing school has dropped me down to one-third of my old pay every month. We though we were tight then and didn't think it would work out, but we pay our tithing faithfully and somehow it has all worked out, we even have a little extra and Tanner got a letter in the mail yesterday saying the U owed him $200, another amazing blessing from tithing!
~Friends. I have so many wonderful friends that have truly touched my life, from my best friends from high school to my awesome new friends in nursing school, I can't name all of you, but know that I love you and am so thankful for you in my life.
~Good health. I never looked at it as much of a blessing until I began working in healthcare, but it is a tremendous one and I'm glad I am healthy.
~The opportunity I have to be a mom someday (hopefully). The closer it gets to us knowing we'll be able to start trying, the more I think about our future children and the kind of mama I want to be for them and teach them the truth and love them so much!
~Food. I know that sounds lame, but it's Thanksgiving, and I admit, I love food!! I can't wait for the stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy, I even love the memories of my pops making me pull out the turkey neck and all the gizzards, mmm! There are too many others to list, but these are my main ones, happy thanksgiving everyone!
Happy Birthday Dillon!
Wisdom Teeth
The teeth in the yellow circles are my wisdom teeth, and as you can plainly see, they are pushing right on the rest of my teeth. Ya'll probably never realized either how apparently hideous and pointy my teeth are, it came as a real shock to me too.
The swelling on the right side of my face isn't too bad, but the left side pretty much makes me look like a bulldog. But it's for the greater good and thanks to Ibuprofen 600 and Lortab I haven't had any real pain, though the Lortab doesn't even knock me out, I was awake pretty much all day yesterday. Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law who was so sweet to drive me there and back, and listen to me try and talk to her the whole way home with my mouth full of gauze. And thanks for the milkshake, it was delicious! It was funny though after she left and I went in the bathroom and saw that I had chocolate milkshake all down my chin, neck, shirt, and even some on my garments...they really numbed me up good, it was hilarious!! This is the only pic I have so far, and most likely the only one I'll post, even though it's so hot you're probably all begging for more.