Saturday, July 16, 2011

My favorite sound

Eric is so giggly now, we can't get enough of it! He laughs a lot for Mommy, but Daddy is the one that really gets him going no matter what. Tanner just has to look at Eric and he gets a big grin on his face, it is so cute. He is so much fun, we are loving every minute. Things are still great, we are just wanting to be done unpacking, but there is still a ways to go. Every time I think we're getting closer I open a couple more boxes and a new huge mess is made. But the place is great and we feel more and more blessed every minute. Tomorrow is our first day in our new ward, we are so excited. We still can't believe we are here sometimes and that this is all real. But we have a lot of support, it is so great because all of our neighbors are in med school and know exactly what we're going through. Here is Eric with Tanner, Tanner's beard always tickles Eric and makes him laugh.

Here is another one laughing with Daddy, I just never get tired of recording it. When he gets tired he laughs like crazy and in this one he was about to go down for a nap.

This last video is of Eric laughing at Aunt Tay while we were staying with them before we left. He was totally delirious because he was so tired and went crazy laughing. He is just the funniest, sweetest boy ever and we love him to pieces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute. Noah laughs more for his daddy, too, but I'm ok with that because he cuddles more with me :) I hate unpacking! Hope you get settled in soon.