So this week has been hectic, to say the least. School started this week, which is always a little stressful, especially for Tanner who takes such hard classes. Rewind back to Friday, we were just at home enjoying our day off together and we get a phone call from DATC in Kaysville asking me to start their nursing program on Monday!! So it's been a busy week, but we are so happy, I cried when it sank in that I am really in nursing school and finally all the hard work has paid off. Now it feels like our lives our moving onto the next step and we are so, so, SO grateful! The Lord really has blessed us so much. Tanner is so supportive and excited. And if Tanner decides to become a sailor, then we can make a picture just like this one, because I'll be a nurse!!
Coming up soon, we're going to be an aunt and uncle, we are SO excited! Aly is leaving on her mission to Espana (Spain) which is happy and sad at the same time. And we found out th
is week that we got accepted to transfer to a new apartment in the cheaper ones, so we're moving end of September. That will be an interesting experience in the middle of school, but will work out. I can already tell it's going to be a crazy semester, when Tanner is talking in his sleep about the "axiom of mathematics," but we couldn't be happier little hobos! Now that we know nursing school will be done soon, we can't stop dreaming about having dozens of babies! Hopefully I can convince Tanner to write on this next time.
Hey - I didn't know you were a part of the blog world. Now I'll just have to keep tabs on you!
Oh my gosh - and how do you know Angie & Rob? Angie went to high school with me - she's on my list of blogger friends, too!
Congrats on the nursing school Niners! I already miss you guys so much and it's only been 1 1/2 weeks away from the hospital!
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