Sunday, September 25, 2011

The past couple weeks

 Eric is now reaching and sitting up better and better. It was like one day it clicked and he realized he was able to reach and grab things for himself. It is so much fun watching him learn and grow so much, so fast.
 Playing with his ball from his toy Grandma Embreus gave him. He loves balls and watching them roll and bounce. He just gets sad that he pushes them away and can't go get them for himself yet. He hasn't started crawling yet, but he is a big boy, so I think it's going to take him a little longer.

 Trying on his Halloween jammies from Grandma Embreus, so cute!
 The hair. There's a nice tuft right on the crown of his head, it's a cute strawberry blonde color and is getting long enough on the sides he has little long hairs over his ears like an old man, it's so cute.

 Wearing Daddy's hat the day of the BYU/Ute game. Notice he is wearing red, he knows what team to root for!

He is a Packer fan too, look at him representin'.

 He loves his baths, and I love those cute rolls!

 Look closely and you'll see the tuft of hair.

 Cutest baby ever!
 I put him to bed lying with his head at the top of the crib (the left of  picture) and he ends up all over the place. Here are some pictures from last night.

 Arm tucked under himself and butt in air, naturally.

Looking studly for church today, he knows how to work a button up shirt and some khakis!

He is so much fun, here are some of the fun things he is doing:

He is learning to clap, he can't make noise yet, but still so cute.
Babbling. He talks all the time and is starting to move his mouth like he trying to say something. The other day he copied Tanner and said 'dada', though we don't count it because he hasn't said it since.
Sometimes he can put his food in his mouth all by himself! It sounds silly, but I was so proud.

Tanner's nickname for Eric is 'stinknut' or 'stinkin' nutcase' and it is hilarious. Every time Tanner gets home from school and asks where his stinkin' nutcase is, I can't stop laughing and Eric gets the biggest smile. Who knew such a little guy could make our lives so much fun?

Our silly boy

Eric is such a giggly boy, he is always laughing. Especially when he gets tired. After church today, we were sitting on the cough and Tanner jokingly kicked my foot and Eric went nuts. I don't know why, but he loved it, as you can see. He's such a cutie!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The cheapest toy you'll ever buy

I was cutting up potatoes for dinner and handed Eric this paper towel to entertain himself for a couple minutes. I had to stop and get the camera because he was laughing so hard, don't ask me why, but it was hilarious. Sorry about the sound at the beginning, I don't know why it does that sometimes, but the rest is totally worth it. He just has the funniest laugh I've ever heard, I've never heard one like it. I just love this kid, can I say that enough??

Crazy cute

Eric trying mango for the first time, as you can see, he is not a fan.

Playing with his new toy from Grandma Embreus! He loves watching it, but is scared of the noise it makes when you turn it on, sad, but funny.

Here is the visual of his love of hitting things together. Give him two toys and this is what happens. I love it when he randomly waves his right arm the wrong way and hits the pillow and looks confused for a minute; also love that he blinks furiously while they hit.

Some more toy hitting action.

This is our neighbors' daughter Kenzie. She is two weeks younger than Eric, though he looks twice as big! She is such a sweet little girl and they were so cute playing together. They suddenly noticed each other and it was adorable. I love how Eric starts flirting and looking a little bashful. Then he plays it cool at the end and grabs a monkey and stuffs it in his mouth.

I love how he examines the car so intently. He does this now a lot with his hands too, he loves to wave them around and stare at them.

Laughing at Sheboygan.

His new lovie, the monkey that plays 'twinkle twinkle.' I think he recognizes the tune 'cause we sing it a lot, it's so cute how he hugs it!

Plethora of pictures of a perfect, pudgy pseven month old

These are all out of order, but anywho, Eric is seven months old! It makes me a little sad to think that he is already past the halfway mark to being one. He is so fun and getting so much personality. Some of his favorites are:

Hitting things together, it makes a fun sound. Except when I gave him some bread the other day; he tried hitting it together and looked rather disappointed at how lame the sound effects were.
Talking, laughing, or yelling really loudly.
Still loves the Sheboygan. But now he also loves a toy monkey that plays 'Twinkle, twinkle' and gives it loves.
His blankie, even though it's already starting to get nasty.
Medicine. :S Whenever he seems like he isn't feeling good and I give him Tylenol or Motrin, he opens right up, then opens up again for more. I have to hide it very sneakily or he gets mad.
He loves eating whatever we eat. He still has no teeth and has to gum everything, but he doesn't care; if we're eating it, he should eat it too.
Singing. He loves when we sing to him, especially songs with hand motions, he goes nuts.
Being naked. The picture above is getting naked for the bath-he thinks it's the greatest. See that smile? It's because he knows he's getting naked.
Pinching. Not that he means to, but he'll grab Tanner's face and just pinch it and laugh. I think he likes the texture of his beard and tries to grab it.

Things he Doesn't like:
The vacuum. Or any other noisy appliance, like the mixer, blender, or electric can opener. He has to be held and reassured while the noise is happening, otherwise he starts to cry.
Green beans or mangoes. Hates them both. Guess we'll try again later.

Here we are at Costco with his new friend Jack. Jack is 11 months old and is a big boy like Eric. Eric has just started noticing Jack within the last few weeks. I think it started when Jack sat on Eric not long ago.
Watching college football. We actually don't have the tv on very much since we don't have cable, but when it is on, he just zones out.
Loves the bath! He's finally able to sit up in it now and starting to play with toys, it's so fun.
He recognizes the camera now and will often pose for it, it is so funny. I wanted to get a shot of this cute outfit, that was too small, but I took a picture anyway, and he immediately smiles and leans in.
Wait, could you try this angle too?

Trying the sippy. He doesn't get that he has to tip it back to get what's inside, so I have to help him, but he knows how to get it to his mouth. He still doesn't like water and lets it all dribble out all over his chin, but at least he doesn't make a face like it's poison anymore.

He takes mealtimes very seriously as you can see.
More tv. I have only turned on Sesame Street twice because he's usually sleeping while it's on, but both times he sat for a good twenty minutes and watched it.
His cheesy grin, I love it! And I just love those dimples!