The summer is nearly over, it has just flown by! A lot has happened, with traveling and school and everything with Eric. We are staying busy though, Tanner just finished school yesterday for the summer semester, it is such a relief, especially for Tanner cause he does all the work, but I miss him too. I just applied a couple weeks ago to Westminster's nursing program and will hear back by Thanksgiving if I got in. We're hoping and praying to get in so we can get nursing school out of the way and start on a family; we both have a really good feeling about it though.
The past month we've done lots of camping and fishing, which has been so much fun! We've gone with friends and family, of course the family one was crazier. We are trying to watch less tv, so Tanner keeps putting the tv in the closet and then getting it out to watch a movie every few days, then swearing off tv and putting it away again. I'm sure it's a good workout for his arms, not that he needs to work them out cause they're so freakin' buff already. We're probably going to be moving next month to another apartment, so we'll need them. By moving, I mean moving to another apartment building here in the village with more cinderblock walls and a different layout. The newest thing is this Tuesday we will find out if we are having a niece or a nephew, it is so exciting! We're just having lots of fun together and trying to get in as much as possible before school starts again! And f.y.i. Tanner doesn't know it yet, but he will be writing the next post, so be ready!